Voluntourism: Privilege, Power, and the Place of the Volunteer

Wednesday, Oct 19 2016, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, East Academic Center, Classroom 1

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | The Problem with (and Solution to) Voluntourism: Privilege, Power, and the Place of the Volunteer in an Increasingly Globalized World. 

Wanting to help is great, and wanting to change the world is admirable, but what if the ways in which you're trying to help are actually causing harm? From a Tanzanian orphanage to the streets of Skid Row, Writer Pippa Biddle and nonprofit Founder Jacob Taddy invite students to join them in exploring the flaws in how we are giving back and how we can create real change through truly meaningful travel. Jacob is the co-founder and Director of Onwards, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is alleviating poverty through purposeful travel. Jacob developed his passion for international aid and the nonprofit sector while working on the Navajo Nation, in Los Angeles Skid Row neighborhood, and on service trips throughout the Caribbean. He has a degree in nonprofit management from UW-Madison. Pippa Biddle is a writer currently fixated on the global volunteer economy and how travel can transform communities. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The Independent, Forbes, Mic, and more. She is a recent graduate of Columbia University and stars in the 2015 documentary Volunteers Unleashed.