Oliver Wasow

Oliver Wasow uses photography to explore the space between fact and fiction in works that engage with the territory of the uncanny and the sublime.
For the past 30 years, Wasow has been using photography to explore the space between fact and fiction. From his earliest work with hand-manipulated images of abstract UFO-like imagery, to his later digitally manipulated landscapes and his more recent green-screen portrait photography, Wasow’s work has consistently been engaged with the territory of the uncanny and sublime.
His work has been included in numerous national and international group shows, including such benchmark exhibitions as ‘Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop,’ at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, ‘Image World,’ at the Whitney Museum of Art in NYC, and ‘The Photography of Invention,’ at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.
Currently his work is on view in the “Dream States” exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He was a visiting faculty member at Bennington for Spring 2007 and 2011 and returned for Fall 2016.