Staff Resources
Quick links and general resources
- Bennington Card
- Bennington Gear
- Bookstore
- Catering Menus
- Committees
- Dining Hall
- HelpDesk
- Menus
- Photo or video request
- Post an event to the Bennington calendar
- Purchasing Policy
- Sexual Harassment/Assault
- Space Reservations
- Style guidelines
- Telephone/Telecommunications and Phone System Instructions
- Transportation: Van and Shuttle Services
- Work Order Request—To submit a work order for your building, please contact Buildings and Grounds—please provide a detailed description of your request; if you need immediate assistance after hours, please call "0" for Campus Safety.
- Bennington College Chemical Hygiene Plan
Employment resources
- Benefits Information and Forms
- Employment Policies
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Holiday Schedules
- Job Listings
- Paydate Schedules
- Recreation and Discount Information
- Relocation Reimbursement
- Supervising a Student Employee
- Work Hours
- Campus Van Reservation Form
- Check Request
- Dining Plan Options
- Expense Report
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Guest ID Card
- Petty Cash
- Staff and Faculty Gift Form
- Survey Guidelines and Request Form
- Temporary Worker Request
- Timesheet: Staff (hourly)
- W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification)
Upcoming events and programs
"What do you mean by food security? The politics of agrarian policy making among Indigenous communities in Guyana."
East Academic Center, Classroom 2
"Fieldwork as [a] Subject: Emotions and care in ethnographic research"
East Academic Center, Classroom 2