SCT Senior Seminar 2017: Presentation of Advanced Work
On Monday, December 11th, ten seniors presented their one-term SCT thesis. Hosted by SCT Faculty Members Lopa Banerjee, David Bond, and Karen Gover, this evening presentation offered an exciting vision of what SCT students have been working on this term. From the electric vehicle to ethnic violence, from the microbiome to Irish identity, these presentations showcase the breadth and depth of Advanced Work in SCT.
SCT Fall Thesis Presentations:
Bibek Basnet '18, Why Are We Fighting?: Seeking Explanations for Nepal’s Ethnic Conflict in the Global Context
Atalya Boytner '18, Erasure, Forgery, and Romanticism: Irish Identity and the Celtic Revival
Eli Calhoun '18, Beyond Food Pantries: Examples of Food Justice for Our Time of Ecological Crisis
Ariane Curtin-Bowen '18, Historical Portraiture: An 18th century Ceramicist presented in Textual Illustration
Muhammad Haroon '18, Natural Disaster Exposure and Consumption Inequality: A Case of Bangladesh
Amina Hodzic '18, Patterns in the transitioning economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Fostering the development of pollution haven?
Ferne Johansson '18, The Body as Shared Space: Human Ecology, Entanglement, and Identity in the Age of the Microbiome
Jack Lindsay '18, Please Come Again: Porn, Pleasure, and Biopolitics in the 21st Century
Rajat Shrestha '18, Charging the Future: State Policies and Electric Vehicles in the US
Sangeeth Selvaraju '18 (Title TBA)
Ajsa Udovcic '18, Health risks in times of disaster