Faculty News

President Coleman Addresses Military Leaders and Strategists in London

Bennington President Elizabeth Coleman delivered a speech this week on effective leadership at The Royal College of Defence Studies in London, an internationally renowned program that attracts senior leaders and strategists from around the world.

Image of Elizabeth Coleman

Her speech was the last of the program's course on "Leadership in the Strategic Environment," which also saw speeches from dignitaries including UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and King Abdullah II of Jordan.

The Royal College of Defence Studies focuses on leadership, defense and international security at the grand strategic level. The year-long program attracts international participation from high-ranking military officers, civil servants, diplomats, police officers, and representatives from the private sector. All have been selected to attend on the strength of their potential to progress to a high position within their profession.

President Coleman's address echoed some of the themes from her recent speech at the American Institute of Graphic Artists' Make/Think Conference, which is now available for viewing at the AIGA website.