Alumni News

Bennington Love Stories

Students and alumni share the ways Bennington has brought more love into their lives.

College is one of the pivotal places in which people forge lifelong connections.

Whether you met your spouse or best friend at Bennington, began a collaboration, met a mentor, or discovered a hobby that makes your heart flutter, we want to hear from you! Share your Bennington love story by filling out this form.

Friendship at First Bite

"Once a week, a few students from Sawtell, as well as a students from a few other houses, gather for baking club and stay up until the late hours of the night making delicious treats and chatting about our lives. We always bake too much, but we’re happy to frantically message group chats offering pieces of the week’s chosen baked good.

This has been a great opportunity for me as a first-year student to get to know my housemates better and connect with the Bennington student community as a whole. I can know for certain that no matter what is stressing me out at the time, I have one night a week where I don’t have a care in the world aside from worrying about keeping the oven temperature consistent. I love baking club!"

- Jamie Costell '28

The Linchpin of Their Love

"I (Anastasia Platoff '12) met Joel Fagerberg '15 at Leigh House in the fall of 2011. We fell in love. Our Bennington experiences only overlapped by one year, so staying together meant navigating the subsequent 'long-distance years' (during which I became one of those alumni always coming back to campus).

We settled in the Boston area in 2015. I work as a licensed mental health counselor in community mental health and Joel is a third-grade public school teacher at the Sokolowski School in Chelsea, MA. We recently celebrated our thirteen-year anniversary. On the list of things Joel and I talk about the most, Bennington is near the top. Our classes, faculty members, peers, projects, wayward phases, turning points, and achievements... experiences that have shaped who we are and what we have chosen to do in life.

For us, there is no place more loaded with nostalgia than Bennington. Thank you for bringing us together!"

- Anastasia Platoff '12

Image of Anastasia and Joel at the end of the world in 2011
Anastasia Platoff '12 and Joel Fagerberg '15 in 2011
Image of Anastasia and Joel in 2024
Anastasia Platoff '12 and Joel Fagerberg '15 in 2024