Awards and Honors, Institutional News

Bennington Earns CASE Fundraising Award

The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has honored Bennington with a 2012 Educational Fundraising Award for the exceptional performance of its institutional advancement program over the past three years (fiscal years 2009-11).

Council for the Advancement and Support of Education

Bennington was one of 41 institutions (out of 1,011 eligible colleges and universities)—and one of 13 private liberal arts institutions—to win an award for Overall Performance based on three years of fundraising data submitted to an independent survey by the Council for Aid to Education. A panel of senior development professionals judged the data based on factors such as growth in total support, total support in relation to alumni base, and type of institution. Other winners in Bennington's category included Amherst, Carleton, Claremont McKenna, Colby, Colgate, Pomona, Middlebury, Randolph, Vassar, Wesleyan, Wheaton, and Williams.

“This is a tremendous honor and a wonderful recognition of the incredible efforts of the External Relations team, of the Board of Trustees, of President Coleman’s leadership, and most importantly, of our generous donors,” said Vice President for External Relations, Paige Bartels.

By all measures, the College has experienced a steady increase in support over recent years; in fiscal year 2011, more than 2,500 donors contributed nearly $10.6 million, meaning 13.7% more donors contributed 34.5% more dollars to Bennington than in the previous year. 

“Because your fundraising program was judged by a panel of your peers,” said Brian Flanhaven, director of CASE Recognition Programs, ”this award is not only a recognition of its high value to your institution, but also an acknowledgement of its stature as a best practice that contributes to the advancement profession overall.”

For more information on the awards, see the CASE website.