Bennington College Launches Campus Renewal Campaign
President Mariko Silver announced the Campus Renewal campaign via the following memo sent to the Bennington community:

Dear Friends,
I am so pleased to announce that Bennington College has launched the Campus Renewal Fund. This Fund will provide the support to do something that Bennington graduates are known for doing all the time: break new ground.
The Campus Renewal Fund will enhance, expand, and maintain the extraordinary living laboratory that is our campus. This renewal reinforces an idea that has always been true here: that the campus is a creative, physical expression of both who we are and what we wish to become.
Our goal is to secure $30 million in support of our buildings and grounds, and it is with tremendous pride and gratitude that I can tell you we have already raised $17 million to date in support of the Fund.
I urge you to read the current issue of Bennington magazine to get a fuller sense of all the exciting work that’s underway. You can also learn more about the Campus Renewal Fund — and how you can become a part of this historic transformation — on our Fund website. In the coming months we’ll tell you about the alumni, parents, and other community members who have been so incredibly generous with their commitments to this effort. You’ll also be hearing about the broader initiative of which the Fund is a part.
And whether it has been months or decades since you last visited, I encourage you to come and see the transformation for yourself. Change is in the Bennington DNA. We are revolutionary by design, and every forward motion is also a reaffirmation of our core values and a reconnection to our roots. The Campus Renewal Fund is a celebration of that proud legacy and a vision for the future. I invite you to join us in this extraordinary transformation.
Mariko Silver