Bennington College 3D Printers Produce Face Shields for Healthcare Workers
Bennington College’s 3D printers are usually a staple of the College's Visual Arts programming. However, as Southern Vermont grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, the College’s 3D printing equipment and materials have been put to a now-critical use.
In connection with Hale Mountain Research in Bennington, VT, Farhad Mirza '12, Susan Sgorbati, and Jon Isherwood coordinated lending of the College's 3D printers to strengthen the company’s increased production of 3D-printed face shields, which are then sent to support Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC) personnel.
At Hale Mountain Research, founder James Salerno is producing face shields using design files provided by Adam Cannistraci, the manufacturing technology instructor at Southwest Vermont Regional Technical School District’s Career Development Center (CDC).
Once these shields are produced, Cannistraci, whose face shield production efforts were highlighted in the Bennington Banner, assembles and coordinates their delivery to SVMC.

Salerno is also aiding individuals, colleges, and companies across Southern Vermont as they coordinate their efforts to produce this much-needed equipment.
Burr & Burton Academy in Manchester, VT, has offered their 3D printers to Hale Mountain Research, and Salerno has also asked his previous customers in Rutland, VT, to coordinate with The Mint Makerspace to produce face shields for Rutland Regional Medical Center.
If Bennington students, faculty, staff, or community members have skills or materials they would like to contribute to this ongoing and urgent work, please contact