Reading: Brando Skyhorse

Brando Skyhorse
Wednesday, Oct 12 2016, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Franklin

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Literature Evenings are held several Wednesday evenings during the term in the living room in Franklin, a student house, and feature readings by distinguished guest writers, students, and faculty. 

This week, new literature faculty member, Brando Skyhorse, will read. Brando Skyhorse’s debut novel, The Madonnas of Echo Park, received the 2011 PEN/Hemingway Award and the Sue Kaufman Award for First Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The book was also a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers pick. He has been awarded fellowships at Ucross, Can Serrat, Spain, and was the 2014-2015 Jenny McKean Moore Writer-In-Washington at George Washington University. Skyhorse is a graduate of Stanford University and the MFA Writers’ Workshop program at UC Irvine. He teaches at Bennington College. His latest book, Take This Man: A Memoir, is out now in paperback.

All are welcome!