Putting the "Public" in Public Health: Building Alliances to Reduce Firearm Injuries with Dr. Christopher Barsotti

Thursday, Apr 21 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Virtual Event

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OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | It is only through consensus and meaningful collaboration between all frontline sectors that we, as a society, can develop and deploy health strategies to reduce firearm-related injuries and deaths.

Christopher Barsotti, MD, is the co-founder and former CEO of the American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM), a non-profit organization established in 2017 with the goal of reducing firearm injuries in the United States through health-based, non-partisan approaches. In its short existence, AFFIRM gained a national reputation as a highly effective neutral convener, collaborator, and innovator on the issue of firearm injury prevention. Now merged with the Aspen Institute, AFFIRM at the Aspen Institute brings together health systems, community stakeholders, emergency service providers, and firearms experts, all committed to reducing gun-related threats, injuries, and deaths.

Dr. Barsotti is also a practicing emergency physician serving patients in western Massachusetts,southern Vermont, and upstate New York, caring for patients with firearm-related risks and injuries. As a frontline physician, health educator, and certified 4-H youth firearms trainer, Dr.Barsotti develops curricula for undergraduate, medical, and professional continuing medical education (CME) on the topics of violence and firearm injury prevention and is a regular contributor on injury prevention for various media outlets.