Not Without Laughter: Poetry, Drinks & Jazz

Friday, Feb 10 2017, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Off campus (see description)

Join Cave Canem Foundation, PEN Center USA, and the Bennington Writing Seminars as we come together to celebrate poetry, and new scholarships for emerging writers, all in the spirit of Langston Hughes. Short readings by Donika Kelly (Cave Canem), Shauna Barbosa (Bennington), and Doug Kearney (PEN-USA) followed by drinks and jazz.

Not Without Laughter: Poetry, Drinks & Jazz
Readings by: Donika Kelly, Shauna Barbosa, and Doug Kearney 
Friday, February 10, 6-8 pm
Busboys & Poets
Langston Room 
2021 14th St. NW Washington, DC 20009