Master Class with Paisley Rekdal: “Cultural Appropriation versus Approximation”

Poetry at Bennington—Spring 2022
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | This talk will explore the many kinds and types of work that comprise the term “appropriation,” and we'll talk about why certain work offends us, or doesn’t.
Paisley Rekdal is the author of six books of poetry, most recently Nightingale (Copper Canyon, 2019), which rewrites many of the myths in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Her nonfiction works include Appropriate: A Provocation (W.W. Norton, 2021), an examination of cultural appropriation; The Broken Country: On Trauma, a Crime, and the Continuing Legacy of Vietnam (University of Georgia Press, 2017), Intimate: An American Family Photo Album (Tupelo, 2011), and The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee: Observations on Not Fitting In (Vintage, 2000). Her work has appeared in five editions of Best American Poetry, and she was guest editor for Best American Poetry 2020. The recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Amy Lowell Fund, and the NEA, Rekdal is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Utah and serves as Utah's Poet Laureate.
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