The Language Series hosted by the Isabelle Kaplan Center for Languages and Cultures at Bennington College offers interdisciplinary talks and events that enhance and expand the college’s understanding of languages and cultures outside of the classroom.
Rhumba, Reggaetón, and the Rejuvenating Rhythms of Cuba
Deane Carriage Barn, Pit
Por nosotras: la experiencia latina en la comunidad
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
Migration in Italy
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
Mariannes Noires
Tishman Lecture Hall
Orejas del barrio
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
Ties That Bind: U.S. and Asia
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
From 高中 to College: China's Bathing-Crab Phenomenon
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
A little 中文 can go a long way: Travels in Yunnan Province
East Academic Center, Classroom 1
Canceled—Transgender in Early Modern France?
CAPA Symposium