Bennington College Commencement

Review our Commencement Class of 2025 Schedule!



You are cordially invited to Bennington College’s ninetieth Commencement ceremony.

Please save the date for May 30th and May 31st, 2025 as we celebrate the Class of 2025.

*This website is currently under construction! Please circle back for more details as we head into Spring!

Check out our Schedule!

**Seniors and family members, Do not be overwhelmed by the information listed below. It is simply housed in its entirety for transparency and facility. Again, trust that you will be prompted to necessary action, in good time, via email through the entire process.**



line drawing of a line of rocks with mountains in the background



For Seniors, December Grads and MFA Candidates

Fill out the 2025 | Bennington College Commencement Required Student Information

*This website is under construction!*

Don't miss a thing! Be sure to check your email regularly for all communications. Details regarding Commencement will be shared via our official email (, and posted to this website under the tab Email Communications. READ YOUR EMAILS!

Our FAQ section is also a complete source of information to stay on track!

Congratulations to members of the Class of 2025, December Graduates and MFA Candidates!


Commencement is less than one year away! We are so excited to celebrate and to accompany you through the last steps of your Bennington College journey!

Please remember to review your email for more updates which will come from our account. In December 2024, more information will be shared. In this head's-up section you will find resources that you will need (and we will ask you to fill out via email prompts) in order to make the most of your Commencement experience!

Below you will find:

  • Important dates and action items (links below!), and these will also be shared to you via email in the early spring.
  • The Commencement Weekend Schedule
  • Instructional videos on wearing regalia (cap & gown) as well as Bennington College's Processional (Watch these to inform your Commencement experience further)  

How to Wear Commencement Regalia (Undergraduates)

Undergraduate Regalia Tutorial Thumbnail

Watch out How to Wear Commencement Regalia (Undergraduates), for tassel placement, fit and general advice! (2 mins)

*You will receive your regalia (if ordered) during the Commencement Rehearsal (Commencement Week: Wednesday)

How to Wear Commencement Regalia (MFA)

MFA Regalia Tutorial Thumbnail

Watch out How to Wear Commencement Regalia (MFA), for tassel placement, fit and general advice! (2 mins)

*You will receive your regalia (if ordered) during the Commencement Rehearsal (Commencement Week: Wednesday)

Bennington's Conferring of Degrees Processional Review

Processional Walkthrough Thumbnail

Watch our Conferring of Degrees Processional Review video to see what the Conferring of Degrees Ceremony will look like on the day! (2 mins)

*Detailed instructions will be shared during the Commencement Rehearsal (Commencement Week: Wednesday)

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

Important dates to keep in mind:

(Locations and specific times will be updated and confirmed to you via email as we get closer to Commencement)

  • Commencement Rehearsal: Wednesday, May 28th (more details forthcoming)
  • Senior Class Reception (After Commencement Rehearsal): Wednesday, May 28th
  • Commencement Eve (Seniors Only): Friday, May 30th (more details forthcoming)
  • Commencement Eve Reception with Families and Guests (After Commencement Dinner): Friday, May 30th 
  • Conferring of Degrees Ceremony (All Welcome): Saturday, May 31st (more details forthcoming)
Action Items

Class of 2025, December Graduates and MFA Candidates Forms for Commencement



Commencement FAQs
Cap and Gown

All graduates will be asked to fill out the Cap and Gown form; however, please note that wearing this regalia is optional. The Cap and Gown form is quite brief, and must be completed by the specified date (forthcoming in the spring term 2025). This is essential for timely delivery, as we are still navigating supply chain issues. Caps and Gowns will be distributed at Commencement Rehearsal on Commencement week Wednesday. Please note: your Cap and Gown are yours to keep! 

  • Form to fill out for Cap and Gown ordering: (forthcoming in the spring term 2025)


Commencement Weekend Schedule
Graduation Fee

The graduation fee will be billed in the spring semester. This covers the cost of the diploma, the cap and gown and goes to offset the cost of Commencement Dinner. 

Contact Preferences

For your awareness, emails regarding Commencement will be sent to the parents or guardians marked in your file. Please take a moment to review your file to make sure it is accurate, and use this form to make any necessary updates if you’d like to make changes (e.g. mark a parent or guardian as “do not contact”). Once you press submit, this information will update Populi automatically.

COVID Policy

Bennington College is a mask-friendly campus, but masks are not required. Please do not come to campus if you feel ill or have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 7 days.

Accessibility and Mobility

For immediate questions and requests regarding accessibility and mobility around campus, please reach out to Event specific information will follow in the spring. 

Preferences and Seating

Information will be sent to guests and graduates in early May. Please check your email and this website for the most up-to-date information. 

Commencement Rehearsal

Save the date! Rehearsal takes place on Wednesday, May 28th, 2025 (the week of Commencement). Please check your email and this website for the most up-to-date information. 

Be sure to review the For Senior, Dec Grads, MFA Candidates section for videos relating to Commencement Rehearsal for information regarding the Conferring of Degrees Processional!

Guest Registration to Attend Dessert Reception and/or Conferring of Degrees

All guests of graduates must register to attend Commencement weekend celebrations. This information is vital to us for planning purposes, as we need to know the expected number of guests for each of these events in order to staff appropriately. We appreciate your assistance with this important process. 

The registration process  will be handled through a single Guest Registration form. (This will be sent out to parents and guardians in late spring).

Inclement Weather/Storm Weather

Should the need arise, a storm weather evacuation and relocation plan will be shared the week of Commencement. 

Commencement Livestream

All livestream links for Commencement Celebrations will be shared (via email and through this website, under the Livestream section) with graduates and their guests the week prior to, or the week of Commencement. Our live streaming platform is Youtube, where viewers can select the option to generate close captions.

These links will be available after Commencement in the Archive section of this website. 



Email Communications
December (Emails to Graduates)

December 9th, 2024: Commencement 2025


Dear Class of 2025, a fantastic group of graduating seniors, including December graduates, transfer students, and students who joined us from UArts this term

As we come to the end of term, I wanted to reach out to you with an update regarding the commencement planning process. As you may know, Commencement will be on May 30 (senior-only dinner followed by a dessert reception with families) and May 31, 2025 (formal commencement exercises with families) this coming spring.

Once we finalize the schedule of events towards the end of January, we’ll be in touch with you via email with more details to facilitate planning for you and your family. Please keep an eye on the Commencement webpage which will be your resource for all things commencement. It contains an FAQ section, information you’ll need to order your cap and gown, weather information, registration forms, and more. Having said that, please do not stress yourselves with worrying about keeping track of all things commencement. You will be prompted step-by-step to each action item required with plenty of time to get you through the commencement process. 

In recap, consider this email as a formal ‘save the date’ and as an introduction to the commencement process and staff overseeing it and your point of connection going forward. A copy of this email will go to your family members on file for their reference. In terms of your family members’ planning purposes, we’ll have more details on the schedule at the end of January (and an email will go out at that time) but for now, it would be a good time for them to consider planning their travel and accommodations if necessary.

So in closing, please read all Commencement emails and take the necessary action prompted. Should you have any questions in the meantime, again, review the Commencement FAQ page first and then email us at for further information if needed.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy holiday season! 


Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events

December (Emails to Families of Graduates)

December 9th, 2024: Commencement 2025


Dear families of our graduating students, 

Congratulations! Please see the email below that was sent to your student. As per the prompt below, please consider beginning your accommodation and travel planning if required.
Note: Family programming includes a dessert reception on Friday, May 30 early evening and the formal commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 31 at 10am sharp! We look forward to circling back at the end of January (via email and website FAQ update) with the detailed schedule. If you have any questions in the interim I invite you to please contact me at


Nicole Arrington 
Director of Special Events


Dear Class of 2025, a fantastic group of graduating seniors, including December graduates, transfer students, and students who joined us from UArts this term

As we come to the end of term, I wanted to reach out to you with an update regarding the commencement planning process. As you may know, Commencement will be on May 30 (senior-only dinner followed by a dessert reception with families) and May 31, 2025 (formal commencement exercises with families) this coming spring.

Once we finalize the schedule of events towards the end of January, we’ll be in touch with you via email with more details to facilitate planning for you and your family. Please keep an eye on the Commencement webpage which will be your resource for all things commencement. It contains an FAQ section, information you’ll need to order your cap and gown, weather information, registration forms, and more. Having said that, please do not stress yourselves with worrying about keeping track of all things commencement. You will be prompted step-by-step to each action item required with plenty of time to get you through the commencement process. 

In recap, consider this email as a formal ‘save the date’ and as an introduction to the commencement process and staff overseeing it and your point of connection going forward. A copy of this email will go to your family members on file for their reference. In terms of your family members’ planning purposes, we’ll have more details on the schedule at the end of January (and an email will go out at that time) but for now, it would be a good time for them to consider planning their travel and accommodations if necessary.

So in closing, please read all Commencement emails and take the necessary action prompted. Should you have any questions in the meantime, again, review the Commencement FAQ page first and then email us at for further information if needed.

Wishing you a very happy and healthy holiday season! 


Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events

February (Emails to Graduates)

February 6th, 2025: Commencement 2025


Dear Seniors, Graduates, and MFA Candidates,

Before I share our final term Commencement Overview with you let me welcome you back for your final term for most of you and congratulate all of you on your upcoming graduation!

Now, let us turn to the business of Commencement and start with sharing the details of the Commencement schedule.

As a broad outline, on Friday, May 30th there will be a formal dinner for seniors-only (with faculty, leadership, board members and speakers, details to follow) and a dessert reception with families (registration details to follow, four guests per student preferred please). Then enjoy the last night on campus.

The Conferring of Degrees ceremony is on Saturday, May 31st. No tickets are required for the graduation ceremony but seating is first-come, first-served, so let your guests and family members know to arrive early if they want to sit close to the front and together. The ceremony starts at 10am sharp.

The Commencement webpage will serve as your information hub in the weeks to come. Please trust that I shall be following up with you on a regular basis via email to shepherd you through the process. Future emails will focus on important steps such as cap and gown ordering as well as dinner/seating requests (mid-March), registration for family members (late April), accessibility needs, rehearsal & senior week reminders (early May), and more. I thank you for your patience as we move through these details together. I’ve found that the compartmentalizing of the requests assists with the efficiency of work and service. So, please read those emails! Remember, you can always find them on the Commencement Website under Email Communications

If you have any questions, please direct them to me at I look forward to assisting you through all things Commencement. Congratulations to you all on your accomplishment, and best of luck for the remainder of the spring term!

Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events 

February (Emails to Families of Graduates)

February 6th, 2025: Commencement 2025


Please see the email below that was sent to your student, this is intended as an overview that can guide you and your student as you prepare for Commencement. As a note: at this point in the Commencement process finalizing your travel and accommodation plans if you have not already done so would be a priority. Our next steps will be a request for you to register for the Friday dessert reception and Saturday conferring of degrees ceremony at a later date (late April to early May) by email invitation. Please trust that you will be prompted to any action or important information via email in good time. If you have any questions in the interim I invite you to please contact me at In the meantime, a hearty congratulations to your family!

Nicole Arrington


Dear Seniors, Graduates, and MFA Candidates,

Before I share our final term Commencement Overview with you let me welcome you back for your final term for most of you and congratulate all of you on your upcoming graduation!

Now, let us turn to the business of Commencement and start with sharing the details of the Commencement schedule.

As a broad outline, on Friday, May 30th there will be a formal dinner for seniors-only (with faculty, leadership, board members and speakers, details to follow) and a dessert reception with families (registration details to follow, four guests per student preferred please). Then enjoy the last night on campus.

The Conferring of Degrees ceremony is on Saturday, May 31st. No tickets are required for the graduation ceremony but seating is first-come, first-served, so let your guests and family members know to arrive early if they want to sit close to the front and together. The ceremony starts at 10am sharp.

The Commencement webpage will serve as your information hub in the weeks to come. Please trust that I shall be following up with you on a regular basis via email to shepherd you through the process. Future emails will focus on important steps such as cap and gown ordering as well as dinner/seating requests (mid-March), registration for family members (late April), accessibility needs, rehearsal & senior week reminders (early May), and more. I thank you for your patience as we move through these details together. I’ve found that the compartmentalizing of the requests assists with the efficiency of work and service. So, please read those emails! Remember, you can always find them on the Commencement Website under Email Communications

If you have any questions, please direct them to me at I look forward to assisting you through all things Commencement. Congratulations to you all on your accomplishment, and best of luck for the remainder of the spring term!

Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events 

March (Email to Graduates)

March 10th, 2025: Submit the 2025 Bennington College Commencement Required Student Information


Dear Seniors, Graduates, and MFA Candidates,

I do hope your term is going well. We have several logistical pieces for Commencement to get through together. As Commencement 2025 draws closer, kindly review the preliminary schedule, which includes the main Commencement Events, notably the Friday senior-only dinner and addresses and dessert reception with families, and Saturday’s conferring of degrees ceremony. It can also be found on the website.

Please take a moment to fill out the 2025 | Bennington College Commencement Required Student Information by Monday, March 31st, 2025.

This form will help us consolidate several details: 

  • Attendance to: Senior Class Toast (Wednesday, May 28th), and Commencement Dinner (Friday, May 30th).
  • Cap and Gown (Regalia) Orders. (Cost is covered in the Commencement Fee.) 
  • Seating Preferences for Commencement Dinner (Friday, May 30th)

Please note you will receive an email with a copy of your responses and you will be able to edit the form until the DEADLINE: Monday, March 31st, 2025.

Note: Also, a registration form will go out to parents and guardians so they can confirm their attendance to the Dessert Reception (evening of Friday, May 30th), and the Conferring of Degrees Ceremony (Saturday, May 31st) later in the spring semester.

If you have any questions, remember to visit your Bennington College Commencement website, or reach out to us via


Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events 

March (Email to Faculty)

March 10th, 2025: Submit the 2025 Bennington College Commencement Participation for Faculty Form


Dear Faculty,

As Commencement 2025 draws closer, kindly review and use the Bennington College Commencement website, which will be a companion resource for your participation at Commencement.

A preliminary schedule, which includes events for faculty, notably the Friday dinner, addresses and dessert reception, and Saturday’s conferring of degrees ceremony can be found on the website, along with a dedicated section provided for Faculty that includes more information about your participation in Commencement. As a next step, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to fill out the 2025 | Bennington College Commencement Participation for Faculty Form by

Monday, March 31st, 2025 to assist us with our planning. This form will help us consolidate several details: 

  • Your Regalia Orders, and
  • Your attendance to: Commencement Dinner (Friday, May 30th, 2025).
  • Your attendance to: Conferring of Degrees Ceremony (Saturday, May 31st, 2025). 

Please note you will receive an email with a copy of your responses and you will be able to edit the form until the DEADLINE: March 31st, 2025.

I will follow up with you in early May with a final overview for your participation. In the meantime, complete the form above and hold the dates of May 30 and May 31 on your calendar for Commencement and review the website to familiarize yourself with a more detailed schedule of events. If you have any questions, remember to visit your Bennington College Commencement website, and/or reach out to us via


Nicole Arrington
Director of Special Events 



For Families and Guests
*Please check this website in February 2025 for more information. Note: You will be prompted to all required action and sent the most relevant information via email.


Details regarding Commencement will be shared via our official email (, and posted to this website under the tab Email Communications.

Our FAQ section is also a complete source of information, to stay on track!

Commencement Weekend at Bennington is a moment for students, families and guests to celebrate the experiences lived and shared through the Bennington College journey.

In this section, we wish to provide families and guests with the resources needed to experience the moment to the fullest!

For information regarding the Town of Bennington, we invite you to check out our Where to Eat, Sleep, Explore site! More information can be found of the Town of Bennington and Vermont websites: 

There will be email communications forthcoming in the spring term regarding accessibility, for any questions please reach out to us at

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

Important dates to keep in mind:

(Locations and specific times will be updated and confirmed to you via email as we get closer to the date)

  • Dessert Reception for Families and Guests (4 guests per graduate): Friday, May 30th (more details forthcoming December and spring term)
  • Conferring of Degrees Ceremony (All Welcome): Saturday, May 31st (more details forthcoming December and spring term)
Action Items

Family and Guests Forms for Commencement 

(*Links coming in the spring term 2025)



For Faculty
*Please check back in the spring term for more detailed information. Kindly know you will be prompted to action via Faculty Notes and/or email.


Esteemed Faculty,

We are so pleased to invite you to share in the celebrations of Bennington College's 90th Commencement Ceremony! Faculty is invited to participate in many of the Commencement Week activities (you will receive several prompts through your Bennington email and Faculty News in the spring term). 

Please check out the 2025 Commencement Weekend Schedule!

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

Important dates to keep in mind:

(Locations and specific times will be updated and confirmed to you via email as we get closer to the date)

  • Commencement Eve: Friday, May 30th (more details forthcoming in the spring term)
  • Conferring of Degrees Ceremony: Saturday, May 31st (more details forthcoming in the spring term)
Action Items



For Staff
*Please check back in the spring term for more detailed information.


Esteemed Staff,

We are so pleased to invite you to share in the celebrations of Bennington College's 90th Commencement Ceremony! We are excited to invite the staff to several of the Commencement Week activities. Details will be shared in the spring term via email and the Bennington Bulletin.  


Important Dates to Keep in Mind

Important dates to keep in mind:

(Locations and specific times will be updated and confirmed to you via email as we get closer to the date)

  • Conferring of Degrees Ceremony: Saturday, May 31st (more details forthcoming in the spring term)
Action Items

Staff Forms for Commencement

  • Links and forms will be shared in spring 2025



Commencement Livestream
Livestream links to Commencement 2025 will be shared in the week prior to or the week of Commencement!



The Class of 2025 swag will be available through the website mid spring 2025!



Commencement Archives
Past Coverage
Past Commencement Speakers
  • 2024Safiya Sinclair '10
  • 2023Sofia Alvarez '07
  • 2022Jericho Brown
  • 2021 | Darren Walker
  • 2020 | Nigel Poor ’86
  • 2019 | Mountain Man (Molly Erin Sarlé ’12, Amelia Meath ’10, and Alexandra Sauser-Monnig ’09)
  • 2018 | Liz Lerman
  • 2017 | Cornell William Brooks
  • 2016 | Jane Chu
  • 2015 | Gloria Steinem
  • 2014 | Dr. Johnnetta Cole
  • 2013 | Elizabeth Coleman
  • 2012 | Peter Dinklage ’91
  • 2011 | Tim Daly ’79
  • 2010 | Melissa Rosenberg ’86
  • 2009 | Hendrick Hertzberg
  • 2008 | Rebecca Tinsley
  • 2007 | Mac Maharaj
  • 2006 | Glen Van Brummelen
  • 2005 | Jonathan Lethem ’86
  • 2004 | Shirin Ebadi
  • 2003 | Edith Velmans
  • 2002 | Meredith Monk
  • 2001 | Rick Moody
  • 2000 | Gay McDougall ’69
  • 1999 | Peter Hedges
  • 1998 | Linda Wertheimer
  • 1997 | Jane Alexander
  • 1996 | Mark Gearan
  • 1995 | Irene Borger ’71
  • 1994 | Harvey Lichtenstein ’53
  • 1993 | Kay Crawford Murray ’56
  • 1992 | Harvey Fierstein
  • 1991 | Harvey Gantt
  • 1990 | Joan Tower ’61
  • 1989 | Ellen McCulloch-Lovell ’69
  • 1988 | Elizabeth Frank ’67
  • 1987 | Barbara Lazear Ascher ’68
  • 1986 | Tillie Olsen
  • 1985 | Elizabeth Swados ’73
  • 1984 | Howard Nemerov
  • 1983 | Frederick Wiseman
  • 1982 | Joseph S. Murphy
  • 1981 | Bernard Malamud
  • 1980 | Elizabeth Swados ’73
  • 1979 | Vivian Gornick
  • 1978 | Mitchell Markowitz ’75
  • 1977 | Elizabeth Holtzman
  • 1976 | Joseph S. Iseman
  • 1975 | Carol Channing ’42
  • 1974 | Thomas Brockway
  • 1973 | Senior readings and performance
  • 1972 | Jimmy Garrison
  • 1971 | Anaïs Nin
  • 1970 | Kurt Vonnegut
  • 1969 | Denise Levertov
  • 1968 | Thomas P.F. Hoving
  • 1967 | Russell Baker
  • 1966 | Howard Nemerov
  • 1965 | Gene Baro
  • 1964 | William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
  • 1963 | David Riesman
  • 1962 | Kenneth Burke
  • 1961 | Henri Peyre
  • 1960 | Francis Fergusson
  • 1959 | George Boas
  • 1958 | Jacques Barzun
  • 1957 | Alvin Eurich
  • 1956 | Howard M. Jones
  • 1955 | W. Averell Harriman P ’40
  • 1954 | Franklin Ford
  • 1953 | Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
  • 1952 | Harry Allen Overstreet
  • 1951 | Mary Josephine Shelly
  • 1950 | Reinhold Niebuhr
  • 1949 | Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
  • 1948 | Erich Fromm
  • 1947 | Lewis Webster Jones
  • 1946 | Reinhold Niebuhr
  • 1945 | Justice Frank Murphy
  • 1944 | Alexander Meiklejohn
  • 1943 | Robert D. Leigh
  • 1942 | William Batt
  • 1941 | Robert Lynd
  • 1940 | Henry Wallace
  • 1939 | Dorothy Canfield Fischer
  • 1938 | Frederick Lewis Allen
  • 1937 | W.H. Kilpatrick
  • 1936 | No commencement speaker