Book Release Celebration for Noah Coburn's Losing Afghanistan

Losing Afghanistan by Noah Coburn
Thursday, Sep 29 2016, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM, CAPA Faculty Lounge
Society, Culture, Thought Program

Society, Culture, & Thought at Bennington College will host discussion and reception to celebrate the release of Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention (Stanford UP). Faculty member Noah Coburn will ​discuss the research that informed this book, as well as where his work is headed now. Copies of the book will be available for purchase and light dessert will be served. 

The U.S.-led intervention in Afghanistan mobilized troops, funds, and people on an international level not seen since World War II. But what was gained for Afghanistan—or for the international community that footed the bill? Through the stories of four individuals—an ambassador, a Navy SEAL, a young Afghan businessman, and a wind energy engineer—Noah Coburn's Losing Afghanistan weaves a vivid account of the challenges and contradictions of life during the intervention. These compelling stories step outside the tired paradigms of 'unruly' Afghan tribes, an effective Taliban resistance, and a corrupt Karzai government to show how the intervention became an entity unto itself, one doomed to collapse under the weight of its own bureaucracy and contradictory intentions.