Architecture Presentations (Pecha Kucha)

Saturday, Sep 24 2016, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM, VAPA B206

Architects present 20 slides and speak for 20 seconds per slide about current projects or ideas in the field. Participants include: Viktorija Abolina ’05, Hanny Ahern ’06, Annie Coggan ’85, Robert Delanghe ’13, Evie Garf ’11, Kent Hikida ’85, Garrick Jones ’94, Josie Lawlor ’04, Jacob Perkins ’07, Kyle Schroder ’09, Chendru Starkloff ’13, and Lawson Wulsin ’05. Moderated by architecture faculty member Donald Sherefkin.

This event is a part of Life After Bennington (LAB) Weekend. Offered in concert with Reunion and Family Weekend, LAB Weekend is designed as an opportunity to bring together current students, alumni and families to explore what it means to bring your work beyond Bennington.