Aerosol-Solar Radiation Interactions: Research at the Intersection of Climate and Air Quality

Friday, Sep 16 2016, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Dickinson 232

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | From her time on Appledore Island as an undergraduate at the University of New Hampshire through her recent work at NASA’s Langley Research Center as a postdoctoral fellow, visiting faculty Chelsea Corr’s research ventures have all had one thing in common: atmospheric aerosols. These tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere are known to both scatter and absorb sunlight, a byproduct of which are the vibrant red sunsets that we enjoy. However, aerosol-solar radiation interactions are not all to a sailor’s delight; aerosol scattering and absorption can also degrade visibility, impact air quality, and modify climate. Chelsea will discuss our current understanding of the complex interactions between aerosols and sunlight as well as her recent work towards answering the remaining questions surrounding aerosol-solar radiation interactions. This includes her recent investigations into the transport of dust to the upper levels of the atmosphere and the implications this has for climate as well as the impact of aerosols on light-driven reactions relevant for air quality.