Aditi Machado and Jane Wong

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Aditi Machado and Jane Wong read from their poetry collections, followed by a public Q&A. Please note that this event is now virtual.
Aditi Machado is a poet, translator, and essayist from Bangalore, India. Her second book of poems, Emporium (Nightboat, 2020), received the Academy of American Poets James Laughlin Award. Her other works include the poetry collection Some Beheadings (Nightboat, 2017), winner of the Believer Book Award; and a translation from the French of Farid Tali’s Prosopopoeia (Action Books, 2016). Machado’s work appears in such journals as Chicago Review, Jacket2, Lana Turner, Volt, and Western Humanities Review. A former Poetry Editor for Asymptote, she teaches at the University of Cincinnati.
Jane Wong is the author of the collections How to Not Be Afraid of Everything (Alice James Books, 2021), longlisted for the PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry; and Overpour (Action Books, 2016). Her memoir, Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City, is forthcoming from Tin House in 2023. Wong’s work has appeared in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2019, Best American Poetry 2015, American Poetry Review, McSweeneys, New England Review, Poetry, and This is the Place: Women Writing About Home. She is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Western Washington University.
Readings will be followed by a public Q&A.