
Wednesday, May 18 2022, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, Deane Carriage Barn

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Original Music and Sound compositions by Rowen Aster, Brian Ducey, Celina Einem, Grace King, Franky Kyaw, Amy Lay, Milo Lis, Aidan Murphy, Dion Nataraja, Ella Stewart, Vriska Weaver, and Maddy Wood.

COVID Protocol: Online streaming and outdoor events are free and open to all. Bennington College students, faculty and staff are invited to join indoor events in person, and guests may also attend arrangement. Bennington College requires that all guests be vaccinated and have the appropriate vaccine booster. To enter into a building on campus, guests are asked to complete a visitor form ideally 24 hours before their arrival. Visitors who have not completed this form must show their ID & vaccination card before entering any campus buildings. Masking indoors is required in all shared spaces.