Disaster Risks and Postcolonial Urban Modernity

SCT faculty Lopa Banerjee presents this week's lunch-time talk: “Disaster Risks and Postcolonial Urban Modernity.”
Lopamudra Banerjee’s academic interests are at the interface of environmental economics and development economics. In particular, her work encompasses two areas of studies: analyses of natural disasters and analyses of distributional asymmetries in a population (in terms of economic inequality and poverty). She received her doctorate in economics from the University of California Riverside in 2007 and her MA and BA in economics from the University of Calcutta and has taught economics at The New School for Social Research. Her work has been published, among other places, in Environmental Hazards, World Development, Development and Change, Oxford Development Studies, The Review of Black Political Economy, Singapore Economic Review, and Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Climate Change. Her recent research focuses on risk analyses of disasters, as well as on the social conditions under which people’s chances of experiencing adverse outcomes of an extreme natural event are realized. Banerjee joined the Bennington faculty in Fall 2016.