The Academy of American Poets Prize

Monday, Apr 17 - Thursday, Apr 27 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

CAMPUS COMMUNITY ONLY | The 2023 Academy of American Poets Prize Submission Deadline: Thursday, April 27, 2023

Submission for the annual Academy of American Poets Prize is open to all undergraduate students. The selected Bennington poet will receive an honorarium of $100 and official recognition from The Academy of American Poets. Submit three of your poems (one per page) as a single Word doc attachment (no pdfs) with Academy of American Poets Prize Submission in the subject line to Michael Dumanis at by Thursday, April 27, 2023. Please include your name on each poem.

Meet the Judge: Shane McCrae is the author of eight books of poetry and the forthcoming memoir Pulling the Chariot of the Sun: A Memoir of a Kidnapping. He is a former finalist for the National Book Award and a professor of creative writing at Columbia University.

Questions? Contact Michael Dumanis.