Book Launch: Marguerite Feitlowitz and Sandra Simonds

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Marguerite Feitlowitz’s latest book translation--Night, by Ennio Moltedo--was supported by an NEA Fellowship. Feitlowitz has published five volumes of translations from French and Spanish, including Small Bibles for Bad Times: Selected Prose and Poetry by Liliane Atlan, Pillar of Salt: An Autobiography with Nineteen Erotic Sonnets by Salvador Novo, and two volumes of plays by Griselda Gambaro. She is the author of A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture. Her play translations have been produced in London, Toronto, and across the U.S.
Her essays, art criticism, interviews, and translations and have appeared in, among many other places, ACM, Asymptote, BOMB, Catapult, DELOS, LARB, The Nation, Plume TriQuarterly, Les Temps modernes, el Viejo topo, Página 12, World Literature Today. Her awards include two Fulbrights to Argentina (including a Senior Scholar Award), a Bunting Fellowship (Radcliffe Institute), and a Harvard Faculty Research Grant.
Sandra Simonds is a poet, critic, and professor. She received a Ph.D from Florida State University, an MFA from the University of Montana, and a BA from UCLA. She is the author of eight books of poetry including Triptychs (Wave Books, 2022) and Atopia (Wesleyan University Press, 2019). She is also the author of the novel Assia (Noemi Press, 2023) based on the life of Assia Wevill. Her criticism and poetry has appeared in The New York Times, Poetry, The New Yorker, the American Poetry Review, The New Republic, Boston Review, and elsewhere.