Bennington Writing Seminars at AWP

Wednesday, Feb 8 - Saturday, Feb 11 2017, 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM, Off campus (see description)

Find Us at Booth 492
Connect with friends, grab some giveaways, and give writerly advice to future students at our booth.

Thursday, February 9: Bennington Writing Seminars Happy Hour
Meet, mingle, chat, and dance at The Living Room (1008 Vermont Ave NW, McPherson Square metro station), 5:30–7:00PM.

Thursday, February 9: Mid-Atlantic Bennington Readers’ Series
Join the Mid-Atlantic Bennington Readers’ Series for a night of readings at a local pub. No cover, and food and beverages are available to order. Readings by: Jasmin Darznik (Fiction, June ’14), Jen Leija (Nonfiction, June ’14), Keith Lesmeister (Fiction, June ’14), Jennifer Stewart Miller (Poetry, June ’14), Joanne Proulx (Fiction, June ’14), Cassie Pruyn (Poetry, June ’14). Capitol City Brewing Co. (1100 New York Ave NW, Metro Center metro station), 7:00PM.

Friday, February 10: Not Without Laughter
Join Cave Canem Foundation, PEN Center USA, and BWS as we come together to celebrate poetry, and new scholarships for emerging writers, all in the spirit of Langston Hughes. Short readings by Donika Kelly (Cave Canem Poetry Prize winner), Shauna Barbosa (Poetry, January ’17), and Doug Kearny (PEN-USA), followed by drinks and jazz. Busboys & Poets (2021 14th St NW, in the Langston Hughes Room, U Street metro station), 6:00–8:00PM. 

Volunteers Needed
As always, we’re looking for volunteers to staff the booth, talk with prospective students, give high-fives to alums, and be friendly faces. 

Share Your Panel Info
Are you presenting or moderating a panel at #AWP17? Let us know! We’ll promote your event on social media.