Event Calendar
Pick a DateSenior Installation--Amy Lay
Senior Concert Week 2023OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Mirror of Clouds is an English-Japanese bilingual rock-ish album, composed and recorded by Amy Lay.
Crisis and Community
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Join Jeff Perkins, VP for Communications and Marketing, for an exploration of community at Bennington and in the world.
2000-level registration for Fall 2023 begins, 1:00pm, up to 4 credits
Evening Prayer led by Vanessa Lyon
The Daily Evening Office according to the Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal) All are very welcome!
2023 Ben Belitt Distinguished Visiting Writer Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Literature Evenings—Spring 2023OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Jonas Hassen Khemiri’s work has been translated into more than thirty languages. His latest novel The Family Clause (FSG) was a finalist for the National Book Award.
Platforms - A Canticle For Lee Harvey
Creators: Izzy Friedland/ Francis Bandy. SM: Gavin Sofronski. Cast: Shloka Shah, Moxie McBrierty, Thorn Ansari, Julia Labusch, Charlotte Stern