Event Calendar
Pick a DateRescheduled: Open Forum for Spring 2023 Literature Curriculum with faculty
Literature Evenings—Fall 2022 Virtual Event
CAMPUS COMMUNITY ONLY | Come to discuss course offerings, expectations around 4000-level classes, and advanced work. Please note that the time and location have changed.
Nicanor Parra, the Chilean Antipoet
Cultural Studies and Language Series—Fall 2022 Virtual Event
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | In 1954 the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra published Poems and Antipoems, a polemical volume that coined and popularized the term antipoetry and ultimately revolutionized Latin American poetry. Parra was determined to bring poetry down from the privileged muses of Mount Olympus and return it to the everyday lives and speech of the people. In this talk, Dr. Marlene Gottlieb will discuss the meaning of the term antipoetry, its evolution and its legacy for Latin American and world poetry.