Field Work Term Handbook

The Field Work Term Handbook contains all policies related to Field Work Term. Students and families with questions can contact the Office of Career Development and Field Work Term.

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Contact the Career Development and Field Work Term Office via e-mail at

At Bennington College, Field Work Term (FWT) is a unique and integral component of the academic experience. It is a seven-week period during which students engage in experiential learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom setting. The FWT allows students to explore various career pathways, gain practical work experience, and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world contexts.

During the FWT, students have the opportunity to participate in internships, apprenticeships, research projects, community service, entrepreneurial ventures, and other forms of experiential learning. They work closely with supervisors or mentors to develop career-ready skills, expand their professional networks, and explore potential career interests.The FWT is designed to complement a student’s academic experience in several ways:

  • Practical Application: The FWT provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to real-world situations. This hands-on experience enhances their understanding of academic material and helps them develop practical skills relevant to their future careers.
  • Career Exploration: The FWT allows students to explore different career fields and industries, helping
    them clarify their professional goals and aspirations. By participating in diverse experiential learning opportunities, students can gain insight into various career paths and make informed decisions about their future.
  • Professional Development: Engaging in the FWT helps students develop essential professional skills such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, and time management. They learn to navigate professional environments, adapt to new challenges, and take initiative in their work.
  • Networking Opportunities: Through the FWT, students have the chance to build valuable connections with professionals in their field of interest. These networking opportunities can lead to mentorship and post-graduate job offers.

Graduation Requirement

Field Work Term (FWT) is an academic requirement for graduation, where students are expected to complete one (1) FWT experience for every academic year of full-time undergraduate enrollment, whether over the winter or summer Field Work Term periods, and in some cases, an academic year registration for limited on-campus student employment positions.

Considerations for Transfer Students: For students transferring to Bennington College, the FWT requirement is based on the number of academic years enrolled at the college. For example, a student transferring as a junior would need to complete two FWT experiences during their enrollment at the college.

Considerations for First-Year International Students: Due to the F-1 visa restrictions, which prohibit international students from working in the U.S. until after nine months of study, first-year students are advised to pursue their site-based Field Work Term (FWT) during the summer or to consult with an advisor in the Career Development and Field Work Term Office to review additional options for a FWT experience.

International students who complete their first FWT in the summer and who are planning to work in the United States must meet with FWT staff to discuss securing an FWT that is directly connected to their academic work for it to follow Curricular Practical Training (CPT) requirements. Similarly, students need to meet with Bennington’s designated school official (DSO) in Academic Services promptly to secure necessary paperwork in time for the start of the FWT summer period.

For second- through fourth-year students seeking off-campus experiential learning opportunities in the form of Curricular Practical Training (CPT) within the United States, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with the school’s Designated School Official (DSO) for comprehensive guidance prior to registering a FWT experience.

Field Work Term Options

There is a diverse range of opportunities available for a Field Work Term experience at Bennington College. With various criteria and considerations for selecting a primary FWT site, students have the option to pursue an internship, fellowship, apprenticeship, on-campus student employment, volunteer position, or independent study. 

  • The Career Quest Program: The Career Quest Program, formally know as The Taught FWT Experience, delivered virtually to first-year students, is designed to help students understand the career development process and make occupational and educational decisions that align with their goals. The Career Quest Program qualifies as one of the four FWT experience requirements for graduation and may be completed over the winter or summer FWT periods.
  • Internship: An internship is a temporary work opportunity provided by an organization to students. Internships offer hands-on experience in a specific field or industry, allowing individuals to apply their academic knowledge to real-world situations and gain valuable skills and insights. Interns often receive mentorship and guidance from professionals in the field and may receive academic credit or financial compensation.
  • FWT Fellowships: Field Work Term fellowships are selective programs that offer funding, mentorship, and the opportunity to be part of a cohort of students working in a particular focus area. The fellowship programs at Bennington College focus on equipping students to make social change through various lenses: environmental protection, food insecurity, population health, theater, public action, and entrepreneurship.
  • Student Employment/On-campus Job: Student Employment presents an excellent opportunity for students seeking a FWT experience during the winter or summer FWT periods, requiring a minimum of 200 hours over the designated FWT period. If 200 hours is not feasible for an on-campus job over one FWT period, students are encouraged to review the FWT Duration and Hours section to assess their options. These options include a 140-hour FWT registration with 60 hours of work at a supplementary site or two 100-hour registrations over the same FWT period. Students may register one on-campus job as one of their four FWT experience requirements for graduation.
  • Academic Year (AY) FWT Experiences: Students interested in registering an Academic Year FWT experience, limited to House Chairs, First Year Forum Co-Leaders, and Admissions Interns, should consult with an advisor in the FWT office for additional guidance. However, such registrations are limited to one of the four required FWT experiences and span the entirety of the academic year while completing a minimum of 200 hours of experience. Registrations for AY FWT Experiences must be submitted by the posted FWT registration deadline during the Fall term.
  • Independent Study: The Independent Study option during Field Work Term (FWT) allows students to explore specific research areas, themes, or questions under the guidance of a full-time faculty sponsor. This option is available to returning students (5th-term through 7th-term) who have completed at least one FWT and are in good academic standing.

Field Work Term Duration

Students are required to complete one Field Work Term (FWT) experience per academic year, which aligns with the designated FWT periods listed on the college’s academic calendar (e.g., winter and summer). While FWT experiences may commence earlier or extend beyond these periods, they must not overlap with the fall and spring academic terms. Additionally, students are not permitted to complete two concurrent Field Work Term (FWT) experiences during the same FWT period. For example, they cannot register for two 200-hour FWT experiences within either the winter or summer FWT periods.

  • Academic Year (AY) Registrations: Students interested in registering an Academic Year FWT experience, limited to select on-campus student employment positions (House Chairs, First Year Forum Co-Leaders, and Admissions Interns), should consult with an advisor in the FWT office for additional guidance. However, such registrations are limited to one of the four required FWT experiences and span the entirety of the academic year while completing a minimum of 200 hours of experience.

Academic Year (AY) FWT experience registrations must be submitted via Handshake by the specified FWT registration deadline in the fall term. No AY FWT registrations will be considered if submitted in the spring term.

Field Work Term Hours

Students can choose from various options to fulfill their annual 200-hour Field Work Term (FWT) requirement. These options include registering a single 200-hour primary site, combining a 140- hour primary site with 60 hours of supplemental hours, or splitting the registration into two 100-hour registrations in one FWT period. Learn more about these three registration types below.

  • 200-hour Primary Site: The most chosen FWT registration option is the 200-hour primary site registration. This selection enables students to accumulate 200 hours of hands-on work experience at a single FWT site throughout the FWT period.
  • 140-hour Primary Site and 60 hours of Supplemental Experience: The 140-hour primary site registration option is designed for students who wish to explore supplemental opportunities (up to 60 hours) during their Field Work Term (FWT). These opportunities allow students to earn additional income through side jobs unrelated to their academic plans, pursue specialized coursework, or fulfill hours outside of their primary position. A supplemental experience does not require a separate FWT registration via Handshake, but students must document their hours worked through the FWT Timesheet, which requires review and signature of a supervisor where the supplemental hours are worked.
  • Two 100-hour Registrations: Students may encounter challenges in securing a 200-hour FWT registration from a single primary site. In such cases, the Career Development and Field Work Term Office permits students to submit two 100-hour registrations across two sites, allowing for the accumulation of a total of 200 hours of experience during the same FWT period. It’s important to note that split FWT registrations must each reach 100 hours within the same FWT period. Split registrations spanning two FWT periods, such as a 100-hour registration during the winter FWT and another during the summer FWT, will not be accepted.

Learn more about Field Work Term hours and registration types on pages 7 - 8 of the Field Work Term Guiding Policies, Procedures, and Processes Handbook. 

Field Work Term Registration

Registration Deadlines: Students are required to submit a registration for their Field Work Term (FWT) experience(s) by the posted registration deadlines in the academic calendar via Handshake, Bennington College’s online career management platform. This ensures timely processing and approval of FWT registrations from the College and the employer/supervisor.

Students who have consulted with an advisor in the Career Development and Field Work Term Office in advance of the posted FWT registration deadline(s) will be given consideration for late submission. FWT registrations submitted after the posted start dates for the winter and summer FWT periods will not be accepted.

Students are encouraged to consult with an advisor in the Career Development and Field Work Term Office during the summer or early in the fall term to develop an action plan for their winter or summer FWT experience. Career advisors can provide valuable assistance, especially for first and second- year students, as well as international students, who may require additional support in securing a FWT experience. This advisory support enhances the effectiveness of the FWT search process while emphasizing the importance of timely registration for planned FWT experiences.

Field Work Term (FWT) Registration Review and Approvals: To facilitate the smooth processing of Field Work Term (FWT) registrations, it is imperative to submit all FWT registrations by the designated deadline. This allows sufficient time for the employer/supervisor/mentor to review and approve the proposed FWT experience. In instances where an employer fails to review and approve a FWT registration by the specified start date of the designated FWT period, the Career Development and Field Work Term Office reserves the right to decline the registration.

While the Career Development and Field Work Term Office is committed to supporting students throughout the registration process, it is the responsibility of both the student and the employer to ensure timely communication with the College. Outreach efforts will be made by the office to facilitate the smooth progression of registrations. However, communication efforts will cease after the start of the designated FWT period if there has been no communication from the student and employer with the College regarding the registration.

Retroactive Field Work Term (FWT) Registration: A retroactive Field Work Term registration refers to a qualifying Field Work Term experience completed by the student but not formally registered, reviewed, and approved by the Career Development and Field Work Term Office and the employer/ supervisor/mentor before its commencement. The Career Development and Field Work Term Office expects that students remain vigilant regarding posted FWT registration deadlines and adhere to the criteria for a FWT experience. This expectation aligns with the professional standards to which students will be held upon graduation from Bennington College when engaging with employers for full-time positions. Therefore, retroactive registrations will not be reviewed or considered for matriculated or non-matriculated students.

Field Work Term Student-Employer Agreement

As part of the FWT registration process, both students and employers/mentors overseeing FWT experiences are required to review and agree to the terms outlined in the FWT Student-Employer Agreement. These terms constitute a binding agreement that outlines the expectations and responsibilities for a successful FWT experience. Below are the Student Agreement Terms outlined in the agreement. View a digital copy of the Student-Employer Agreement here. 

Field Work Term Assessment

The Field Work Term (FWT) assessment process evaluates students’ development of essential capacities and work-readiness competencies during their FWT experiences. This assessment serves as a foundation for student reflection and learning. Review the FWT assessment criteria in the sections below.

  • Adherence to Due Dates: FWT due dates are firm and non-negotiable. Missing due dates may adversely affect the final FWT assessment.
  • Employer Evaluations: Written evaluations by FWT supervisors are required and impact the final assessment. Late or poor evaluations may negatively affect the assessment.
  • Required Hours: Students must complete 200 hours of work, with options for primary and supplemental positions.

Assessment Details: Based on the evaluation criteria outlined above, a student will receive an assessment of “Pass,” “Marginal Pass,” “Fail,” or “Incomplete” for FWT. A FWT final assessment, FWT job title, and the name of the site will appear on a student’s academic transcript. If a student does not annually receive a “Pass” or “Marginal Pass” for FWT, they are required to make up the requirement, usually during the summer. FWT makeups must be successfully completed before approval for graduation can be given.

  • Pass: Denotes that a student has satisfactorily met all FWT assessment criteria.
  • Marginal Pass: Acknowledges that a student has met the FWT requirements for the year but has not satisfactorily met all FWT assessment criteria.
  • Fail: Signifies that a student has unsatisfactorily met a critical portion of the assessment criteria. A FWT Fail assessment remains part of a student’s academic file and official transcript. Failure to successfully complete an FWT can adversely influence a student’s academic status. The Dean of the College will determine the impact of a failed assessment on a student’s academic standing. Students who are issued a Fail assessment are given two weeks within which they may appeal their FWT assessment.
  • Incomplete/Deferral: Students with medical, personal, or family-related issues may be granted an incomplete, allowing them to fulfill the FWT requirement over the summer without academic penalty. Students who complete at least half of their required hours may be eligible for a half incomplete. The Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term determines this assessment on a case-by-case basis. Students who wish to be considered for an incomplete or half incomplete should contact the Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term as early as possible. A half incomplete refers to hours completed only. Students granted a half incomplete at the discretion of the Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term are required to provide a reflective project and employer evaluation for hours completed over the winter and summer FWT periods.

Once an assessment is issued, the grade is considered final and will not usually be altered. The College understands that sometimes errors may occur, and wants to provide support to assist students with completing their FWT if warranted. Please note that an appeal is subject to review by Academic Services and the Career Development and Field Work Term Office and approval is not guaranteed.

Students with Academic Accommodations

Students who have qualified for and have been issued academic accommodations at Bennington College will receive the same accommodations for the Field Work Term (FWT) Assessment after completing their FWT experience. This may include a modified FWT assessment or an extension to submit the required reflection materials as necessary.

Academic accommodations extend only to the FWT assessment, not a modified registration type or accommodations at the FWT site. Students may work 1:1 with their employer/mentor for necessary accommodations at their FWT site.

Field Work Term Stipends

Bennington College acknowledges the financial considerations associated with paid and unpaid Field Work Term (FWT) experiences. To support students with demonstrated financial need, the College provides limited funding to help offset certain costs associated with FWT experiences. Students with demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid will be notified of their eligibility for a FWT stipend via email in early fall, which may be used for a winter or summer FWT experience.

Stipend Limitations

  • Each student is limited to receiving a maximum of four* FWT stipends over the course of four academic years at Bennington College. This allocation allows for one stipend per academic year, or per academic year requiring a Field Work Term (FWT) registration.
  • December graduates who have fulfilled their FWT graduation requirement will not be eligible for a FWT stipend.
  • Museum Fellows Term students and Field Work Term Fellows typically receive compensation between $1,000 - $3,000+, based on their demonstrated financial need, the same eligibility criteria for issuing FWT stipends. Students who are selected as a Museum Fellow or FWT Fellow will not be eligible for a FWT stipend.
  • Students participating in a spring study abroad/away program are ineligible for a FWT stipend**. However, students enrolled in a fall study abroad/away program who do not request an FWT waiver for the subsequent summer FWT may be considered for a stipend, subject to the availability of funding.
  • Students who withdraw from the College before a FWT stipend is issued will be excluded from receiving a FWT stipend.
  • Pending the availability of funds for FWT stipends, students who begin their studies at the start of the spring term may be issued a FWT stipend.

Lost or Mishandling of Field Work Term Stipends

  • Reprint Request Procedure: Students who have been issued a FWT stipend and have subsequently
    lost it may request a reprint. However, a reduction of $25.00 will be deducted from the stipend to
    cover the fee associated with canceling the original check.
  • Timely Reporting Requirement: Students must contact the Career Development and Field Work
    Term Office within 90 days of the stipend’s issued date to request a reprint. This ensures timely
    processing through the Business Office and minimizes delays in resolving the issue.
  • Process for Reprint: Upon receiving a request for a reprint, the Career Development and Field Work Term Office will initiate the necessary steps to process the reprint through the Business Office. Once processed, the student will be informed of the status and provided with the reissued stipend. The Career Development and Field Work Term Office will not mail checks to a student’s home
    address in the event a stipend has been lost.
  • Responsibility for Secure Handling: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the secure
    handling of their FWT stipend. Students will be denied a reprint of a FWT stipend due to loss or
    mishandling of the stipend beyond the 90-day reporting period.
  • Exceptions: Exceptions to the $25.00 reduction fee may be considered under extenuating
    circumstances, subject to approval by the Career Development and Field Work Term Office.

Field Work Term Housing Considerations

On-campus (Bennington College) Housing: The Career Development and Field Work Term Office collaborates with Campus Life to communicate Field Work Term (FWT) registration details for both winter and summer periods that warrant on-campus housing. This partnership is integral to facilitating on-campus housing arrangements for students with approved FWT experiences, particularly those involving in-person participation in Bennington or North Bennington, and on-campus student employment positions over the duration of the FWT period. Students interested in on-campus student housing should consult with Campus Life for additional information.

Off-campus Housing: The Career Development and Field Work Term Office acknowledges the challenges associated with securing housing for Field Work Term and emphasizes the importance of careful planning in this regard. The College, however, is unable to assist in arranging housing for students or endorse the hosting of students in private homes. This limitation is attributed to the complexities involved in ensuring compliance with essential safety standards. Additionally, navigating legal and ethical considerations, encompassing housing laws, privacy concerns, and potential conflicts of interest, underscores the need for cautious decision-making in matters related to student accommodation. Students are encouraged to review the Career Development and Field Work Term Office’s ‘Field Work Term Housing Guide’ as a starting place to review strategies for securing Field Work Term housing.

Students on a Leave of Absence 

Students intending to study abroad or away should carefully review the outlined policies below, paying particular attention to the final bullet point concerning the registration of a Field Work Term (FWT) experience while away.

Leave of Absence: students studying away from Bennington will, for the duration of their time away from Bennington, follow many of the same policies as students on a Leave of Absence. (It is important to note that those students pursuing an exchange will remain officially enrolled in the college, while students pursuing a direct enrollment or program provider studentship will be placed on a Leave of Absence for their program’s duration. The policy for all study away students, however, remains consistent.) There are several practical implications of this:

  • Study Away students are still Bennington students and will continue to receive emails and updates throughout their term away.
  • Study Away students cannot participate in any formal elements of their Plan process, such as having a Plan meeting or submitting an official Plan draft. This means that any formal Plan processes must be engaged with either in the term prior to the student’s departure or the term of their return to Bennington.
  • Study Away students are able and expected to participate in class registration for the term of their return to campus. Students will continue to receive updates from the Registrar to support them in this process while they’re away (including support for students in challenging time zones or remote/ digitally inaccessible locations).
  • Study Away students cannot register for any Bennington classes, including hybrid or remote classes or independent/group tutorials, during their term away.
  • Students who are presently enrolled in or have intentions to participate in study away or study abroad programs are not eligible to register a Field Work Term (FWT) experience during their time away from Bennington College. Students who engage in and complete full-term study away or study abroad experiences are eligible to request a FWT waiver upon returning to campus. Students should consult with Academic Services to request a FWT waiver.

Field Work Term (FWT) Incomplete/Deferral: Students with medical, personal, or family-related issues may be granted an incomplete, allowing them to fulfill the Field Work Term (FWT) requirement over the summer without academic penalty. Students who complete at least half of their required hours may be eligible for a half incomplete. The Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term determines this assessment on a case-by-case basis. Students who wish to be considered for an incomplete or half incomplete should contact the Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term as early as possible. A half incomplete refers to hours completed only. Students granted a half incomplete at the discretion of the Associate Director of Career Development and Field Work Term are required to provide a reflective project and employer evaluation for hours completed over the winter and summer FWT periods.

The following are examples of the conditions under which a student may be eligible for an incomplete if they remain in immediate, regular contact with the Career Development and Field Work Term Office:

  • Medical Emergency: Students requesting a medical incomplete will be asked to submit paperwork—
    including a doctor’s note of necessity—for a medical withdrawal and may be asked to provide
    clearance information for spring reentry. Only urgent medical issues are considered.
  • Personal/Family Issues: Such issues might include a terminally ill family member or a recent death
    in the family.
  • Employer/Housing Issues: Though it is extremely rare, students are occasionally granted an
    incomplete due to unforeseen employer/housing circumstances. In such cases, a student must
    pursue a backup job search approved by the FWT Office.
  • Workplace Concern Issues: Such issues might include alleged harassment or discrimination, feelings
    of unsafety, or being unable to complete an FWT due to inappropriate or inadequate supervision.

Field Work Term (FWT) and Academic Withdrawal, Dismissal, and Suspension:

  • Students who withdraw from the College during the fall term are exempt from completing a Field Work Term experience.
  • If a student withdraws, is dismissed, or suspended from the College during the fall term or FWT period, they will not receive FWT credit for any completed work during that academic year.
  • All registered supervisors will be notified of the student’s withdrawal, dismissal, or suspension, and that FWT credit will not be awarded for the term. Any ongoing work relationship between the student and the site will be independent of the College’s involvement.
  • Students planning to appeal their dismissal must inform the Associate Dean of Career Development and FWT and continue their FWT work if an appeal is granted.
  • Withdrawn, dismissed, or suspended students seeking readmission to Bennington at a later date must meet with the FWT office to discuss FWT requirements after readmission.