Opening and Arrival Info for Spring Term
Arriving on Campus/Opening of School
- Feb. 15 | House Chairs Return
- Feb. 16 | Third Street Houses, McCullough, Welling, Apartments in Woolley and Leigh, Welling Townhouse, Longmeadow, Wellness Houses, Orchard B & C, Jennings Cottage and Paran Creek residents return to campus
- Feb. 17 | First, Second Street and Shingle residents return to campus
- Feb. 17 | Meal Plan Starts
- Feb. 17 | New and transfer students should plan to arrive between 8:30 am and 10:00 am. Orientation from 12:00 - 7:00 pm
- Feb. 18 | Classes begin at 8:30 am
We are currently following CDC and Vermont guidelines for COVID-19. If you are experiencing symptoms or test positive for COVID please contact Ali Tartaglia. Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions for Students page for more information. We will be updating these as other questions arise. You can also check the COVID-19 section in these Digital Coffee Hour pages.
Day of Arrival Reminders
- When you arrive on campus please log into StarRez and complete the Self Check-In. The Financial Aid Office cannot release funds until you are checked in.
- If you completely moved out of your room over FWT and notice any new damages, please submit a work order request.
- Please see All Thing Student Life for storage hours.
Key Pickup
- Students who completely moved out of their room and are arriving on Saturday, February 15 or Sunday, February 16 can pick up their keys in the Student Life Office 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and after 4:00 pm in the Campus Safety Booth.
- On Monday, February 17 key pickup is in the Student Life Office from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. After business hours you can pick up your key at Campus Safety.
- If you have lost your key over FWT, please be in touch with Housing prior to arriving so a key can be made. The charge for a lost key is $100—this charge will be placed on your student bill.
- If you changed rooms over FWT you can also pick up your key following the above schedule. If you need to move out of your old room please return your old room key after you have completed your move.
Important Dates
In addition to what is listed below, please check out the College's calendar for information about events scheduled for the upcoming academic year and the academic calendar.
- Feb. 1 | Tuition payment(s) due (see Student Billing for plan specifics).
- Feb. 9 | Proof of Health Insurance due for new students and students returning from leave. All students are required to notify the College of any change in insurance coverage by submitting a new Proof of Health Insurance.
- Feb. 16 | FWT Ends—employer evaluations, timesheets, reflective projects, and all other materials are due to the FWT office
- Feb. 17 | New and transfer students arrive to campus 8:30am-10am
- Advising: New/transfer students, 1:30-2:00 pm; All students, 2:00-4:30 pm
- Add/drop form opens, 4:30 pm
- Health Services opens 9:00 am-5:00 pm
- Feb. 18 | Classes begin at 8:30 am
- Feb. 23 | FWT independent study sponsor evaluations due
- Feb. 25 | First Coffee Hour
- Feb. 26 | All new vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety
- March 25 | First-year and senior plan essays due to the Provost’s Office
- April 26 | FWT 2024 summer registration due
Albany to Bennington Transportation
There will not be a college-run shuttle from Albany to Campus this term. Please visit Bennington College’s Transportation webpage for transit information including public and private transportation options to Bennington, and links to book tickets. The Community Shuttle (802-430-8506) is available for pick-ups from downtown Bennington and the Bennington Bus Station and Campus Safety (802-447-4250) is available outside of shuttle hours.