All Things Academic for Fall Term

Curriculum and Registration

The up-to-date fall curriculum is available online. Be sure to check out the updates section, where we have added new courses in Education, Film and Video, and Linguistics, among others. 

Review Your Schedule in Populi

You should also review your course schedule for the fall term in Populi.

  • Log in using your Bennington username and password.
  • Click on "My Profile," then proceed to your “Student” tab and select “Export Schedule.”
  • Make sure the courses listed are those you intend to take.

Classroom locations

Classroom assignments are in Populi, but may change before the start of the term, so be sure to download your schedule prior to the first day of classes on Tuesday, September 3.
If you are looking for the location of a course that is not on your schedule, you can search for the course using the Populi search function; classroom information is displayed on the course “Syllabus” tab.

Adding or Dropping Classes

To add or drop classes, make sure you're logged into your @bennington email account and use this form. Make sure to sign out of any other Gmail accounts. 

All 2000-level waitlists from registration last spring have been shared with the appropriate faculty in preparation for add/drop. If you remain interested in any course for which you were waitlisted (2000- or 4000-level), please follow up with the faculty to reiterate your interest. Note that faculty cannot add you to any courses before Monday, September 2

You may add and drop courses through Friday, September 13—this is also the last day you may request a letter grade for one or more of your courses

Finally, keep an eye out for pop-up courses, which may be offered again this term. Please see the first Academic Minute for more information on pop-ups and the proposal process

Additional Announcements and Resources

Faculty Comings and Goings: 2024–2025

Faculty Retirements 

Kirk Jackson, Sherry Kramer, and Mirka Prazak will retire at the end of June. 

New and Returning Visiting Faculty

Please join us in welcoming two new permanent faculty, Alex Creighton to teach critical writing, and Kaolack Ibrahima Ndiaye to teach Africana dance! Also be sure to check out the bios of the new visiting faculty for fall!

Returning from Sabbatical or Leave 

Nick Brooke, Manuel Gonzales, Yoko Inoue, and Noëlle Rouxel-Cubberly.

Going on Sabbatical or Leave 

Ben Anastas, Thorsten Dennerline, Levi Gonzalez, Sarah Harris, Dina Janis, Kerry Ryer-Parke, and Paul Voice

Faculty Comings and Goings: Spring 2025

Going on Sabbatical or Leave 

Franny Choi, Camille Guthrie, Sarah Harris, Andrew McIntyre, and Dana Reitz


Course Materials and Bookstore

Course material information is available in the student portal Populi and can be accessed as follows:

  • Log in to the student portal
  • On your Home screen, click ‘My Courses,’ then click into a class. On the sidebar, click ‘Syllabus’ to see what books and supplies are required.
  • Click on the book title to obtain more information; most books will have a direct link to Amazon, though you may purchase the title from whatever vendor you choose. Just be sure to get the proper volume or edition by using the ISBN when available.
  • Required supplies are also listed. All course supplies will be in stock and available for purchase in the on-campus bookstore at the beginning of term.

We encourage you to order your books well before the term begins, prior to your arrival on campus. Although a limited number of books will be available for each class in the on-campus bookstore, these are primarily intended to facilitate the add/drop process. Course supplies will be in stock and available throughout the term in the Bookstore.

All Bookstore items are available for purchase via the online store. Orders marked for on-campus pick up will be packaged and available for pick up at the Bookstore.

A limited supply of course texts may also be found in Crossett Library. Donations from previous classes have enlarged the collection, which can be found on the bottom floor of Crossett, on the back wall directly across from the stairwell. Course books are available for term-long checkout, and the list can be viewed at Crossett Course Books.

If you have any questions about materials for your courses, please direct them to the faculty teaching those courses

Crossett Library

Crossett Library will be fully open. Research appointments with librarians are available both in person and remotely. Many course books will be available on reserve, pending faculty request, and interlibrary loan is available for needed research material

Grants and Fellowships

Jennifer Burg, Assistant Director for Academic Services and Student Grants Counselor, offers advising on locally and nationally competitive fellowships, awards, grants, and scholarships. Working with both Bennington students and alumni, Jennifer provides information and support throughout the fellowship application process—from matching students with appropriate fellowship opportunities, to preparing and submitting a compelling application package. Send Jennifer an email to learn more.

Study abroad applications and funding

Students hoping to study away in the Spring 2025 term should begin working closely with the Study Away Counselor over the summer or upon their return to campus, and should note that the Term Time Study Away Application for Spring 2025 is due by September 27. 

Students seeking funding for study abroad in the Spring 2025 term should begin researching scholarship options right away. Fund for Education Abroad scholarship applications will open on July 24 and are on a date TBD in early September. Gilman Scholarship applications will open in August and are due by October 10. Applications for Bennington’s internal Public Action Grant are due on October 15.

Writing Tutors

Peer Writing Tutors

The writing tutors are available at various times for 30-minute sessions in the SCoPE forum or remotely. Book a consultation to work on writing or on a project at any stage. We can help in many ways: to get started, to do strong research and cite your sources properly, to work on grammar and style, to create a thesis statement, to improve the essay’s structure, or to learn to edit your own writing. If you have any questions, please write to Camille Guthrie, Director of the Undergraduate Writing Initiatives, or Jared Della Rocca, Director of Library Services.


Study Away

Students Planning to Study Away 

If you are thinking about studying away for the Spring 2025 term or the Summer 2025 break, please email Stephanie Meyer, Assistant Director of Academic Services and Study Away Counselor, to schedule a time to discuss the application process and funding options. Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 Study Away applications are due September 27. More details are available on the Study Away pages

Students Returning from Study Away

We want to hear about your study away experience! You will receive communication over the coming weeks about opportunities for individual and group sessions to process your return to the campus community, and of course you can always email Stephanie Meyer for an individual appointment. You can also submit photos and a short blurb for the College’s social media accounts, so other Bennington learners can share in your experience! 

Official transcripts were due on Monday, August 1. If you are uncertain about the status of your transcript and transfer credit, please contact Carly Rudzinski. Electronic transcripts are preferred and should be sent directly to the Registrar's Office by the study away program provider or through a secure service (e.g. the National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment, etc.). We will also accept paper transcripts; these should be mailed to the Registrar’s Office in Barn 123. 

Students Studying Away in Fall 2024

Once you have arrived in your study location, don’t forget to send us any updated emergency contact information. Prior to finalizing your registration for classes while away, you should also submit the Course Summary Form. This will allow the Registrar’s Office to review your chosen classes and confirm their transferability. Please continue to check your Bennington email address for updates from the College and remain in contact with your faculty advisor

Auditions & Placement Tests


Music auditions can be found here


Dance auditions will be held on Thursday, September 12, at 7:00 pm in Martha Hill.

This audition is for all students interested in making dance work and for students interested in performing in the work of their peers. For the audition, students will participate in a guided warm-up followed by movement structures and/or phrases offered by student choreographers in their projects.  


Drama auditions will be held on the following dates:

  • Auditions September 5 and 6, 7–10 pm D207/D208
  • Call backs September 7 and 8 times TBS


The House of Bernarda Alba by Lorca, directed by Lorena Fernandez Camba & José Rubén Ruiz Garrido, performances November 1 and 2.

The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, directed by Jenny Rohn (class meets Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons), performances November 22, 23, and 24.

The Other Half by Thalia Perry, directed by Tusti, performances December 6 and 7.

Directing Two Projects, showing December 8.


Schedule a Foreign Language Placement Interview, if needed. 

If you wish to register for a 4000-level language course but have not registered for one yet, contact the faculty listed below via email before Monday, September 2. Language placement interviews take about ten minutes. If you are interested in an introductory course and have never studied the language before, you may email the faculty member listed below to learn more about 

Cultural Studies and Languages at Bennington.

Once the term begins, look for more updates and information in the Provost’s Office Academic Minute