Queer Coming-of-Age
Cubby, a “quirky queer coming-of-age comedy” co-directed by Ben Mankoff ’11, made the rounds of the international queer film festival circuit since its release last year.

This past fall, it caught the attention of critics from The New York Times and Los Angeles Times. Reviewing the film, the Los Angeles Times cheered the director’s approach. “Brooklyn quirk is nothing new in the world of independent film, but Cubby somehow manages to make its brand of the overused angle largely feel fresh.” Continuing, “Directors Mark Blane and Ben Mankoff bring a kinky sweetness to this oddball dramedy…Shot on 16mm film, Cubby looks the part of an old- school New York-made indie, but its dual directors still bring a bit of their own style, particularly in the animation overlays that echo Mark’s drawings.” The film was included in Italy’s 2019 Torino LGBTQI International Film Festival and has since been part of festivals in Barcelona, Toronto, San Francisco, Ireland, and Los Angeles. In March, the film won the Chlotrudis Buried Treasure Award, which recognizes films that earn less than $250,000 in US box office.