Class of 2023: Related Content

Eve Vishnick ’23 has always been torn between studying visual arts and more science-related fields. She was attracted to Bennington for two reasons, she said. “Great financial aid and the ability to combine two separate fields without having to double major. I could make it into one thing. That was a big draw for me.”

On Saturday, June 3, 152 members of Bennington College’s Class of 2023 gathered, along with their family members and friends, faculty, and leadership, under a large tent on a green expanse of lawn at the southern end of campus to receive their degrees.

On June 2-3, Bennington College will celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2023 at the 88th Commencement. Learn more about graduate outcomes across the years.

On Tuesday, May 22, 2023, five seniors presented their SCT thesis.

Bennington College is pleased to announce that playwright, screenwriter, and director Sofia Alvarez '07 will address the class of 2023 at Commencement at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 3.

Earlier this month, students, staff, and faculty from Bennington College joined families of Afghan refugees living in the Bennington area for a night of food and connection.
By Walter Greene '23

Bennington’s Women in Data Science Datathon introduced students to computer science and datathons to expand experience, create community, and build excitement for their upcoming virtual conference.

43 Bennington students have been selected for paid fellowship opportunities during the 2023 Field Work Term.

It’s no secret that Bennington College has a beautiful campus, tucked away in the Green Mountains, with 440 acres to explore and nourish the soul. The close proximity to a robust arts community, the charms of New England, and a rich history are just a few of the reasons people from the West Coast choose the Bennington experience.

As a theoretical physics student, Swagata Datta ’23 walks a path that few venture at Bennington. After completing his second undergraduate research project, Datta reflected upon his Bennington education and Field Work Term experiences, which informed his research interests and plan for continued education.
By Halley Le '25

How can women and underrepresented minorities in the technology industry better support each other? Bennington College is starting a chapter of Women in Data Science (WiDS), a student-led initiative aimed to support college students through the creation of dialogues, opportunities, and shared resources.
By Halley Le '25

William Huntley ’23 shares his journey researching leaf morphology at Harvard, his passion for molecular and plant biology, and how his Bennington education helped shape his vision for higher education.
By Halley Le '25

How can parents of infants notice the early markers for autism? Can early identification lead to better care down the road?
By Halley Le '25

Bennington College has been featured in the Dance Magazine article, "Is a Smaller College Dance Program Right for You?"

Visiting Spanish Faculty Member Lena Retamoso Urbano, a poet and a scholar of contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture, shared a few highlights from the Spring 2022 term.

Four students from Bennington College have been selected as Frankenthaler Fellows for the 2022 Museum Fellows Term.
By Mary Brothers '22

32 Bennington students have been selected for paid fellowship opportunities during the 2022 Field Work Term.

With the support of a $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace grant, Jullian Androkae '23 established the Vahombey Project, a library in Bekitro, Madagascar.

So you want to dress like a Bennington Student? Here’s how we do it.
By Mary Brothers '22

This fall, the Bennington community welcomed over 250 new students to the College.

This summer, 186 Bennington students completed their annual Field Work Term, working either in-person or remotely on a variety of internships, independent study projects, professional trainings, and more.

Twelve students from Bennington College have been selected to participate in the 2021 Lucille Lortel Theatre Foundation Fellowships in Theatre, a program run in partnership with the Lucille Lortel Theatre Foundation.

Students in Yoko Inoue's Make Kitchen Communal Practicum weekly served delicious, nutritious soups made from local ingredients to essential staff on campus.

The Bennington student founders of the Slow Cooked Movement discuss how they brought community, nutrition, and local farms together during this Field Work Term.

While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty, staff, and students offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.

This winter, through the Food Insecurity & Population Health Fellowship, Bennington College will offer seven students fully-paid remote internships with organizations in the Bennington community focused on various dimensions of population health, with a special focus on food insecurity.

During COVID-19, Bennington College’s Office of Career Development and Field Work Term has worked alongside students to support their internship and career goals by offering increased flexibility, expanded work options, and staff support, even amid a global pandemic and economic recession.

EuropeNow Journal's October 2020 issue highlights the work that Bennington College students and faculty have done in partnership with the Consortium on Forced Migration, Displacement, and Education.