Field Work Term: Related Content

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This winter, through the Food Insecurity & Population Health Fellowship, Bennington College will offer seven students fully-paid remote internships with organizations in the Bennington community focused on various dimensions of population health, with a special focus on food insecurity.

During COVID-19, Bennington College’s Office of Career Development and Field Work Term has worked alongside students to support their internship and career goals by offering increased flexibility, expanded work options, and staff support, even amid a global pandemic and economic recession.

Over Field Work Term, Bennington College partnered with Hubbard Hall Center for the Arts and Education to present Aaron Posner's Stupid F**king Bird, a re-adaptation of Anton Chekov's The Seagull

During the COVID-19 pandemic, twenty-two Bennington College students are interning for local organizations working to support food sustainability, public health, family initiatives, and other resources for Bennington community members.

During Field Work Term, Flo Gill '22 served as a community cast member and assistant producer on The Good Book, a short film produced by Slung Low, a theatre company based in Leeds, England.

During Field Work Term, Stanzin Angmo ’20, Ren Barnes ’22, Ekaterina Burtseva ’20, Elene Charkviani ’22, DaEun Jung ’21, and Ulysses Lin ’20 participated in the inaugural Population Health Fellowship. This fully-paid, health-related internship opportunity was jointly offered by Bennington College and Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC).

This Field Work Term, Kayly Hernandez Panameno ’22 and James Walkergoutal ’20 worked as Production Fellows at XTR, a nonfiction film and television studio founded by Bryn Mooser '01.

From expanding Population Health research at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center to supporting refugees resettling in Idaho to creating puppets for stop-motion films in Denmark, Bennington students made a worldwide impact across myriad disciplines this Field Work Term. 

From January 10 - February 8, Cynthia-Reeves Gallery, located on the campus of MASS MoCA, is featuring works by Bennington and Williams College students as part of the Bennington-Williams Student Exhibition.

Bennington College has been awarded a four-year $290,000 grant from the New York-based The Endeavor Foundation to launch The Endeavor Foundation Environmental Changemaker Fellowship Program, which includes funded internships for Bennington students to work in nonprofits with a focus on environmental justice.

While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty and staff offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.

Benyamin Mohammadzadeh '20 studies Business and Mathematics at Bennington College. A lifelong soccer fan, Mohammadzadeh spent a Field Work Term with FIFCO, the International Corporate Football Federation, where he helped organize the 2019 World Cup in Monaco and secured participation from the Iranian corporate football federation.

“We love working with Bennington, and we would love to have more students join us,” said Donnica Wingett of Safe Passage/Camino Seguro. “It says something when someone comes from so far away and looks our kids and moms in the eyes and says, ‘Hey, how are you? I care.’” 

After Zalkar Ziiaidin ’22 graduates, he plans on becoming a full-time software engineer. However, as Ziiaidin pursues his studies at Bennington College, he’s not waiting to make his mark on the ever-evolving world of computer science.

This winter, Bennington College and Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC) will offer six students fully-paid, health-related internship opportunities as part of the inaugural Population Health Fellowship. Population health transforms the healthcare model— in thinking about healthcare from seeing patients only when they are sick, to partnering with people to address their social, environmental, and economic issues before they become sick. 

Sam Mistry '19 discusses his Bennington experience and new internship at the Sundance Institute Feature Film Program.

Over his 2019 Field Work Term, Ahmad Yassir '20 designed and taught the first courses in arts and peacebuilding at Abaarso School for Sciences and Technology in Somaliland.


As the Robert Frost Stone House Museum opens for its second season under Bennington College’s stewardship, visitors to the property will be invited to reimagine Frost and his surrounding environment with (Im)Possibilities of Landscape, a senior curatorial work presented by Sophia Gasparro ’19.

“In the world, it’s often the case that a Deaf person is expected to read lips, have the accommodations they need, to do the work to hold a conversation, when really it’s hearing people who should be making the effort,” said Madeline Poultridge ’20.

When five first-year Bennington College students began their annual Field Work Term at Bennington Project Independence in January, they were not sure what to expect working at an adult day care facility.

At the American Museum of Natural History’s exhibit T. rex: The Ultimate Predator, guests are invited to interact with displays, including a touchable cast of a T. rex femur, which Eulala Harden Scheel ’20 helped sculpt during her Field Work Term.

Bennington College has received a $3,000 grant from the Vermont Community Foundation’s Opportunity Fund for Southshire Youth. This award will be used to implement Student to Student, a college access mentoring program that will pair first-generation students  from Mount Anthony Union High School with first-generation Bennington College students.

As part of her Field Work Term at the Bennington Free Library, Michelle Freeman '20 led community programs focused on mental health, learning, and self-esteem.

While students embark on Field Work Term, an annual work-learning term during which students gain hands-on experience and test their classroom ideas in the world of work, Bennington faculty offer their reading recommendations to keep everyone’s intellectual juices flowing wherever they are.

How can artistic and cultural displays in public places contribute to a community’s overall health? At The Trust for Public Land, Roua Sibai ’21 explored this question during her summer Field Work Term (FWT) as a creative placemaking intern.

For those looking for an intensive summer Field Work Term (FWT) experience, the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program, hosted by the Research Institute in Sociology and Social Inequality at Texas A&M University, literally turns up the heat.

From Off-Broadway premieres to local festivals, museum preservations, community choirs, and more, the New York State Council for the Arts (NYSCA) provides funding and support to all types of artwork across the state.

How can food capture what makes a community distinctive? As a graduating senior studying Visual Arts, Public Action, and Dance, Isabella Poulos ’18 has devoted her time at Bennington to studying the intersection of food, art, and community.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, how can we improve this conference call?

Search engine optimization, data management, and...rapping? At first glance, selling train tickets might not seem like an artistic job, but as Zanna Huth ’20 can attest, Trainline’s innovation-friendly culture encourages creative work.