Kerry Woods: Related Content

The data Olivia Chiossone ’23 gathered during a “Research Experience for Undergraduates” program at Eastern Kentucky University propelled her senior work.

As Bennington begins the second half of the Fall 2020 term, we reflect on the ways our community has adapted to learning and living on campus and beyond this fall—and the experiences, successes, and moments of joy along the way.

Over the summer, the pop-up course Understanding and Responding to COVID-19, Crisis and Quarantine gave Bennington students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members a chance to connect with one another while examining the unfolding COVID-19 crisis across disciplines, from anthropology to mathematical modeling to poetry to film.

The Robert Frost Stone House Museum at Bennington College has been awarded funding from the Windham Foundation to support its upcoming season of public programs, including special programming in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Robert Frost’s beloved poem, “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,” which was written in 1922 while Frost was living at the Stone House.

When Bennington alumni mentor current students during Field Work Term (FWT), the time is invaluable to both. Alumni get to connect with the next generation of Bennington students, gaining new perspectives on their current projects. Students, in turn, get the opportunity to ask questions and form connections within the broader Bennington network.

Ecology faculty member Kerry Woods contributed to a study finding that forests with dense canopies create a microclimate that protects a variety of vulnerable plant species from warming air temperatures. The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, was picked up by several media outlets, including BBC News.

Faculty member Kerry Woods spent last semester completing a month-long Fulbright Senior Specialist program project in Slovenia. He collaborated with Slovenian scientists from the University of Ljubljana to develop a network of forest researchers in eastern/central Europe to use of long-term data-sets from European old-growth forests. The project culminated in an international workshop that he organized with Dr. Thomas Nagel at Ljubljana.

Ecology faculty member Kerry Woods’ research on "Losses in understory diversity over three decades in an old-growth cool-temperate forest" has been published in the March issue of the Canadian Journal of Forest Research.