Max Nanis: Related Content

Computer programmer Max Nanis '12 was at the center of a New Yorker Tech article about a cast of "digital rock stars" who are in such high demand that a talent agency was formed to represent them.

Max Nanis ’12 and Ian Pearce ’11 are two of the authors behind the current cover story of Interactions magazine. The article, "Socialbots: Voices from the Fronts," is based on a study they conducted with web researcher Tim Hwang on fake online identities (“bots”) that can interact with humans and even boost human-to-human interaction on social networks such as Twitter. The results of their study were first published in the MIT Technology Review.

The Deseret News recently wrote a profile on Bennington, featuring Max Nanis ’12. The piece discusses how the College's unique curriculum, Field Work Term, and faculty advising structure help students succeed.