Analysis of the role of visual cues in evoking and sustaining the aggressive response in male Betta splendens. Claudia Rallis, 2016.
The Cockroach Escape Response: Investigating the Effects of Alarm Pheromones on the Sensory, Motor, and Central Nervous System of the Cockroach Periplaneta americana. Genelle Rankin, 2015.
Fitness Consequences Associated with Variation in Developmental Temperature in Pieris rapae Butterflies. Emily Mikucki, 2013.
Role of vigilance (pup guarding) as a function of family size and structure in Arctic foxes. Holly E. Mutascio, 2011.
The effect of “voyeurism” on aggression in crayfish. Camille McIntyre, 2011.
Mate preferences among infected and uninfected newts. Stephanie Van Ryzin, 2010.
Investigating the phenomenon of hatching plasticity in the fish, Oryziaslatipes, and the amphibians Ranasylvatica and Xenopuslaevis. A. Dory Dawson, 2008.
Foraging ability of the bluntnose minnow, Pimephalesnotatus, in response to noise. Wesley Bernegger, 2008.
Fluctuating asymmetry among newts (Notophthalmusviridescens) from ponds of different pH. Kaylee Tock, 2006.
Developmental differences among newts (Notophthalmusviridescens) as function of pond pH. Garth Silberstein, 2000.
Neural coding in the ventral giant interneurons during escape-turning of the cockroach, Blaberusdiscoidalis. Jay Queenin, 1999.
Thermal tolerance and inducible thermal tolerance are reduced by metamorphosis in Xenopuslaevis and Bufoamericanus. Daniel Levitis, 1999.
Male agonistic behavior and female preference in the Siamese Fighting Fish, Bettasplendens. Jay Metz, 1994.
Learning and memory in the Sea Star, Asteriasforbesi. Kathryn Zingle, 1994.
Fever and metabolic rate in the toad, Bufomarinus. Antonia Stephens, 1993.
Acoustic communication in the Spring Peeper, Hylacrucifer. Kendra Buresch, 1993.
Color change in Anoliscarolinensis. Linda Pastorello, 1992.
Ontogenetic change in thermal tolerance and heat hardening of the toad Bufoamericanus and the frog Xenopuslaevis. Jennifer Creason, 1991.
Developmental changes in heat shock proteins and thermal tolerance in Xenopuslaevis. Brian Reagan, 1990.
Ontogenetic change in thermal tolerance and heat shock protein synthesis in Bufo americanus. Erik Deurell, 1989.
The effect of pyrogen on the selected body temperature and Critical Thermal Maximum of Bufomarinus. Gerardo Fernandez, 1988.
The effect of fever on the thermal tolerance of Bufomarinus. Lynda Baldwin, 1988.
Thermal tolerance and fever in Ranapipiens. Alex McAdam, 1987.
A comparison of the neuronal response to wind stimuli in the cockroaches BlaberuscraniiferandB. discoidalis. David Kirschenbaum, 1985.
The effect of dehydration on the thermal responses of a lunged and a lungless salamander. Dushyant Pathak, 1985.
The effect of dehydration on rehydration and metabolic rate in lunged and lungless salamanders. Sallie Stadlen, 1983.
Physiological correlates of overwintering and facultative diapause induction in the tobacco hornworm, Manducasexta. Elizabeth Evans, 1984.
The effect of temperature on several characteristics of the cockroach electroretinogram. Michelle Murrain, 1981.
Osmoregulation in earthworms as a function of soil water tension. Eileen Bridge, 1981.
Effects of tank size, handling, and previous experience on the display of the Siamese fighting fish Bettasplendens. Jennifer Sheldon, 1981.
Temperature and osmoregulation in hermit crabs. Ashley Eichrodt, 1980.
Professional Work in K–12 Schools
Math Science Partnerships Grant Instructor. Provide classes in content and inquiry to K–12 math science teachers. Grant awarded to school districts in southern Vermont, 2009–present.
Vermont Science Initiative. Provide classes in content and inquiry to K–12 math science teachers. Statewide grant, 2009–11.
Consultant, elementary, middle, and high school science education, 1979–present. Emphasis on science content and inquiry approach to science. Experience includes science curriculum development and implementation, model teaching, in-service workshop presentation, writing of grant applications, assessment. Supported by grants from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Vermont Department of Education, and the National Science Foundation.
Science, Math, & Technology Assessment Design Team, Vermont Institute for Science, Math, and Technology. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, 1995.
Consultant and instructor, Vermont Institute for Science, Math, and Technology. Sponsored by National Science Foundation, 1993–98.
Founder and director, Bennington College Science Student Internship Program, 1981–98. Bennington College science students work in elementary school classrooms teaching science during January and February.