Anna Maria Hong

Anna Maria Hong is the author of the novella H & G (Sidebrow Books), winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Clarissa Dalloway Prize, and Age of Glass, winner of Cleveland State University Poetry Center’s First Book Poetry Competition and the Poetry Society of America’s 2019 Norma Farber First Book Award. Her second poetry collection, Fablesque, won Tupelo Press’s Berkshire Prize and is forthcoming in June 2020.
Hong is the author of the novella H & G (Sidebrow Books), winner of the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Clarissa Dalloway Prize, and Age of Glass, winner of Cleveland State University Poetry Center’s First Book Poetry Competition and the Poetry Society of America’s 2019 Norma Farber First Book Award. Her second poetry collection, Fablesque, won Tupelo Press’s Berkshire Prize and is forthcoming in June 2020.
A former Bunting Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Hong is also the editor of Growing Up Asian American, an anthology of fiction and memoir. She has published poetry and fiction in over 50 publications including The Nation, The Iowa Review, Poetry, Ecotone, jubilat, Green Mountains Review, Conduit, Fence, Harvard Review, Southwest Review, Jacket2, Verse Daily, Fire on Her Tongue: An Anthology of Contemporary Women’s Poetry, 250 Poems, and The Best American Poetry.
Her awards include Poetry magazine’s Frederick Bock Prize and residencies from Yaddo, Djerassi, Fundación Valparaiso, and Kunstnarhuset Messen. Hong earned a B.A. in philosophy at Yale University and an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Texas’ Michener Center for Writers. She has previously taught at the University of Washington Bothell, Ursinus College, and the University of Pennsylvania. Hong was a faculty member at Bennington from Fall 2018 through Spring 2020.