Making Meaning

Whether in class or farther afield—be it rural Patagonia researching Mapuche medicine or North Bennington, Vermont, teaching elementary school children their first foreign language—Bennington students learn a language because they are working in it.

Hut in rural Patagonia
Student teaching French to elementary school children

Bennington language students teach French, Spanish, and Chinese to elementary school children in neighboring North Bennington

French class

At all levels of instruction, small seminars allow students to challenge preconceived notions, compare and defend ideas, and develop linguistic proficiency

Japanese class

Faculty curate materials to stimulate intellectual discovery and teach students to read and listen critically to various types of texts

Japanese class

Because content drives course design, courses are of interest to native speakers as well as those learning the language

Chinese faculty member talking with prospective students

From day one, reading and writing, listening and speaking are all directed towards discussing complex cultural ideas